
The behavior service acts as a referral service for veterinary clinics and hospitals around New York and gives vet-to-vet consultations worldwide. As such, the referring veterinarian (rDVM) will receive a copy of the visit summary if requested and approved by the client. Once it is determined that the patient and client are ready to "graduate" and no longer need the support of the behavior service, the current dosing information will be reported to the rDVM so that she/he could take over prescribing the refills as needed.

We recently started offering vet-to-vet consultations for clients who cannot physically come to Queens NY to see Dr. Stollar in person. Not having a veterinary-client-patient relationship means that the rDVM remains the patient's veterinarian and is responsible for the treatment plan provided by Dr. Stollar. ​This is somewhat similar to sending radiographs to a specialist reading, although Dr. Stollar will communicate with the client to collect the required history. Please email us to get more details and the required forms.

Please email us the patient's medical record and recent blood work. All patients should have blood work that was performed 6 months or less prior to the behavior consultation. If one cannot be performed, please let us know and we will arrange for it to be collected and sent to the lab.

Clients that are referred to the behavior service will not be accepted as new clients of Glendale Veterinary Clinic for at least a year unless approved by the rDVM.

A puppy dog looking at the camera standing on grass
A puppy dog looking at the camera standing on grass